Sunday, April 12, 2009

Jesus Christ is Risen Today!

What a glorious day. God is so good and we are blessed. I am so grateful for Pink Dog. This girl is destined to Heaven. Thanks to her I was able to share Holy Week with MY Daughter. She made sure that we made it to Holy Thursday and Good Friday services at our church. This is the first time since becoming a Mom that I have been able to attend. With two small children, it is very difficult to make late evening services, but she and I made it this year. It was what I had dreamed about all those years ago when Pink Dog was just a dream. Just me and my girl praising God at the Holiest time of the year. Hopefully in a year or two I will have both of my blessings attending with me. I am so very blessed!


  1. Wonderful! Motherhood does get easier as the girls grow.

    Many wishes and blessings for all the years to come!
