Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Rabbit Hole

First you must dig the hole...he uses a pick or shovel now instead of the "big spoon".
I love this about my Dad. When he was a child, his Mother would tell him the day before Easter, "Charles Harry, you better go get the big spoon and dig you a rabbit hole so that that Rabbit will leave you some eggs". My Dad said he would dig a fine hole and then decorate it with grasses and all the beautiful flowers that he could find. He just knew that if he made it really pretty and decorative, that the Easter Bunny would leave him some treats. He always got really pretty boiled brown eggs and a chocolate rabbit. Since he is now 75 years young I love that he is carrying on the tradition with my girls.

Next, you get grass and fill the hole

Here the girls are adding their grass

Then you must find other grasses and flowers to decorate the hole

Working hard

Now for the decoration

This is Pink Dogs'...she goes for the more eclectic look

Cinderella follows her mother's retentive ways and makes hers just perfect

Once the decorating is done you must put a bucket over the hole to keep the animals away from it

Then they got goofy.
I just love traditions!


  1. The ladies seem to like this tradition---I hope we can do it for a long time---Next year we will make the "rabbit hole" bigger and better--Pink Dog and Cinderella are "something special"--

  2. What a lovely tradition!

    Your girls are fortunate to have your dad so involved with their lives

  3. I know. He, my Mom and my brother are very intertwined in our lives. It is wonderful how they get so much from each of them in their own distinct way. We are a family.
