Monday, October 5, 2009

Still Broken

My computer is still broken...because I'm too busy to get to it. Sigh!
Things are good with us and I have so many posts to do when I get my computer up and working. I hope everyone is having a great fall.


  1. Thank you for commenting on our blog! Your girls are adorable and the photos of your youngest's dance recital brought back so many memories of my own! I can't for my girls to take dance lessons. Well, if their hearts desire, and I hope at least one of my girls will desire dance! LOL I hope you'll stop by again!

  2. One day at a time
    Good to hear from you,
    I checked in every so often to see if you had any updates.
    Hope all is well

  3. thanks for your sweet comments on my blog! Your girls look like they are so much fun! BTW, I'm not worried at all about my girls not liking baby dolls since they are very loving with their stuffed animals. At first, I tried really hard to get them to like baby dolls, but after so long, I just gave up.
    Hope your computer gets fixed soon!
    jennifer (mom to Lily and kate)

  4. I don't have your email, so I wanted to pop over and say thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I really appreciated you sharing a different perspective! I don't think we disagree on that topic as much as you might think, though. *grin* I realized after reading your comment that I never clarified something... adoption was not a Plan B for me either. I am what many would term a preferential adopter, just as you are. But I do think I was Plan B for my daughter. Anyways, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. And I'm so sorry that Anonymous was... well... being anonymous. You know how anonymous commenters can get.

  5. Hi. I am a random person who saw your comment on Our Little Tongginator blog about adoption. I wanted to tell you that you are God's plan A for those girls. God knows our human weakness, that we fail, that there will be orphans and the poor and widows. It is his plan A for them to be taken care of despite sin in the world (even if those circumstances that caused your girls to be orphans for a while were not his plan). You are beautiful, and it makes my heart so glad that God has put such precious girls in your life and made you such a special loving family. I have much respect and admiration for you taking on the job of a single parent voluntarily (I have to do it from time to time with my husband being gone w/ the military, and cannot imagine the challenges that come when you parent alone full time!) May God's hand of blessing be on you and may he give you strength and peace for the challenges you face.

  6. I hope your computer gets fixed soon - I can totally relate - I just lost mine a few weeks ago!! So sad!

  7. Hey...if you want Disney Tips just let me know. Can you send me an email, leave a comment on my blog, OR look me up on Facebook since you do know me. :) I'll be happy to help plan ANY Disney trip. Just be warned, I can be a wee bit over the top with it.
