Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Helicopters and Bird Nests

Remember these?

The girls love playing with helicopters or whirly birds as they can be known.

Amazing how these little things fly and twirl.

After playing with the helicopters for a while, Pink Dog decided that she would make a nest with all the twigs and leaves, (debris), from the yard. She was very concentrated on what she was building.

Cinderella gathering her nest supplies.

Pink Dog gathering.

Cinderella's finished product.

Pink Dog's finished product.
I think they did a great job! I love their imaginations and I love these girls!


  1. I love it when kids entertain themselves with simple things and use their minds!

  2. I love them also---You are correct--They are very creative---

  3. They do have a wonderful imagine!! I love watching my little ones marvel at the wonders of nature!! Thanks for visiting our blog and for your kind words!!
