Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Cat Scan

Poor Baby

The prize she got from the nurse

So happy to be there

The tube

Okay, she's ready

Poor Pink Dog...she had a cat scan today. You can tell by the pictures how much fun she thought it was. She has had stomach pain off and on for a year now. In the past month, it has become more frequent. I decided it was time to check things out further. I'm praying that all is well. I would appreciate any good thoughts and prayers for her. She did great today and I am very proud of how well she handled everything. This is the first time she has ever had to endure such things. I love my girl and I want her pain to go away. I pray that it will.


  1. Thank you Tonni, the prayers worked! Thank you!

  2. oh goodness, I have missed so much by being away from the blogosphere.

    Poor baby, that face says it all.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :o)

    J's tee was a gift but take a peek here:

    So glad your daughter's tests came back alright, but hope they figure out something soon!

  4. Thanks for the website and the good wishes. I'm sure all will be well. She is doing better and that helps a lot.
